India’s 1st body building film from Iron Brothers is confirmed. Popular movies Style, Xcuse Me, and Ramaa – The Savior fame Sahil Khan is doing leading role in the movie. Other starcast of the movie is still to reveal. The director of the movie is Sam Khan, and producers are Sahil Khan, Shasita Khan and Dennis Shivani.
The name of the movie is not public yet. Even the makers have not released any teaser, trailer or first look pictures of movie so far. But the movie is expected to release in 2017 itself. You just have to keep waiting for any more information about the movie.

Xcuse me it’s Sahil Khan awesome style

Sahil Khan hands style during a pose

Fittest Sahil Khan at beach

Sahil Khan with his refrigerator

Sahil Khan during a GYM shoot

Sahil Khan at India’s First Beach Gym

Sahil Khan with red rose in mouth and dumbbelss in hand

Sahil Khan ready to rock

Sahil Khan popular pose during a helicopter ride

Sahil Khan selfie just before a healthy shower

Sahil Khan at the age of 40

Sahil Khan during a Delhi visit in Dec 2016

Sahil Khan beside a pool

Sahil Khan at Facebook Office

Sahil Khan on 2 million facebook followers

Teaser of India’s first body building film