New animated movie Hanuman Da’ Damdaar is an upcoming adventure movie for kids specially that shows the life of Hanuman with modern style fusion. This animated movie is directed by Ruchi Narain and produced by R.A.T Films and RNB Films and distributed by Rajesh Thadani.
The trailer of the movie is interesting to watch with the voice dubbing by multi-cast with the likes of Salman Khan, Javed Akhtar, Raveena Tandon, Vinay Pathak, Makrand Deshpande, Saurabh Shukla, Chunky Pandey, Kunal Khemu, Sneha Khanwalkar & Hussain Dalal. All of them are lending their voice to the various characters who surround the life of Bajrangi and make him realise his powers to become ‘Hanuman Da’ Damdaar’.
Hanuman Da’ Damdaar releases in theatres on 19th May, 2017
Hanuman Da Damdaar Authentic Trailer
Hanuman Da Damdaar Trailer in CinemaBox