Yahan Sabki Lagi Hai is upcoming drama moving around an untold journey that will unfold some unexpected truth. The movie is produced by Vibrant Works with Satavisha Bose and Cyrus Khambata as directors. Movie is starring Varun Thakur, Eden Shyodhi, Heerok Das, Yoshika Verma.
The trailer of movie is very messy, and unimpressive. The trailer would have worked in favor if had been presented with better direction. The leading stars, dialogues and direction creating chaos altogether. The best will be marked after movie release.
It’s an INDERJIT FILMS Release and Inderjit Music. The movie is produced by Vibrant Works, and directed by Satavisha Bose and Cyrus Khambata. Music Director is Pankaj Awasthi and Lyrics by M. K. Mishra and Neeraj Rajawat.